• Pilot aims to transform community response to mental health crises

    PHOTO BY CHUCK HOVEN Monday, April 22, 2024; A sign sponsored by the Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County promotes calling 988 for mental health and addiction crisis services. by Abe Kurp    (Plain Press May 2024) Residents of some Cleveland neighborhoods will soon have access to a new tool…

  • Pilot program aims to transform mental health crisis response in Cleveland

         (Plain Press March 2024)  A new Innovative Care Response Pilot Program which aims to transform mental health crisis response in Cleveland will launch in zip codes 44102 and 44105 later this year. This innovative Care Response pilot program will have mental health professionals and peer supporters respond to individuals having a mental health or…

  • Creation of care response model urged for responding to calls for mental health or behavioral health crises

    Creation of care response model urged for responding to calls for mental health or behavioral health crises (Plain Press, September 2022)                         Progressive think tanks and mental health advocates have joined in a collaborative effort to spur the City of Cleveland to speed its implementation of a care response model for responding to calls it…